Recent publications

†: Equal contribution.

  • Aug
    Conditionally accepted on 2 August

    Zhan Y, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Coughlan H, Baldoni PL, Jacquelot N, Cao WJH, Preston S, Louis C, Rautela J, Pellegrini M, Wicks IP, Alexander WS, Harrison LC, Lew AM, Smyth GK, Nutt SL, Chopin M (2021). Differential requirement for the Polycomb Repressor Complex 2 in dendritic cells and tissue resident myeloid cells. Science Immunology

    Published 6 August, Accepted 14 May

    Roth-Schulze AJ, Penno MAS, Ngui KM, Oakey H, Bandala-Sanchez E, Smith AD, Allnutt TR, Thomson RL, Vuillermin PJ, Craig ME, Rawlinson WD, Davis EA, Harris M, Soldatos G, Colman PG, Wentworth JM, Haynes A, Barry SC, Sinnott RO, Morahan G, Bediaga NG, Smyth GK, Papenfuss AT, Couper JJ, Harrison L (2021). Type 1 diabetes in pregnancy is associated with distinct changes in the composition and function of the gut microbiome. Microbiome 9(1), 167. PMID: 34362459

  • Jul
    Accepted 13 July, Epub 28 July

    Peters TJ, Buckley MJ, Chen Y, Smyth GK, Goodnow CC, Clark SJ (2021). Calling differentially methylated regions from whole genome bisulphite sequencing with DMRcate. Nucleic Acids Research gkab637 PMID: 34320181

    Published 22 July, Accepted 25 May, Epub 15 June

    Ioannidis LJ, Pietrzak HM, Ly A, Utami RAS, Eriksson EM, Studniberg SI, Abeysekera W, Li-Wai-Suen CSN, Sheerin D, Healer J, Puspitasari AM, Apriyanti D, Coutrier F, Poespoprodjo JR, Kenangalem E, Prayoga A, Sariyanti N, Smyth GK, Trianty L, Cowman AF, Price RN, Noviyanti R, Hansen DS (2021). High dimensional mass cytometry identifies T cell and B cell signatures predicting reduced risk of Plasmodium vivax malaria. JCI Insight 6(14), 148086. PMID: 34128836

  • Jun
    Published 29 June, Accepted 28 May

    Pal B†, Chen Y†, Milevskiy MJG#, Vaillant F, Prokopuk L, Dawson C, Capaldo BD, Song X, Jackling F, Timpson P, Lindeman GJ, Smyth GK†, Visvader JE† (2021). Single cell transcriptome atlas of mouse mammary epithelial cells across development. Breast Cancer Research 23(1), 69. PMID: 34187545

    Published 29 June, Accepted 28 May

    Pal B†, Chen Y†, Vaillant F†, Capaldo BD, Joyce R, Song X, Bryant VL, Penington JS, Di Stefano L, Ribera NT, Wilcox S, Mann GB, kConFab, Papenfuss AT, Lindeman GJ, Smyth GK†, Visvader JE† (2021). A single cell RNA atlas of human breast spanning normal, preneoplastic and tumorigenic states. Breast Cancer Research 23(1), 69. PMID: 34187545

  • May
    Published 20 May, Accepted 27 April

    Doerflinger M, Haeusler GM, Li-Wai-Suen CSN, Clark JE, Slavin MA, Babl FE, Allaway Z, Mechinaud F, Smyth GK, De Abreu Lourenco R, Phillips B, Pellegrini M, Thursky KA (2021). Procalcitonin and Interleukin-10 may assist in early prediction of bacteraemia in children with cancer and febrile neutropenia. Frontiers in Immunology 12, 641879. PMID: 34093531

    Published 20 May, Accepted 26 March

    Hogg SJ, Motorna O, Cluse LA, Johanson TM, Coughlan HD, Raviram R, Myers RM, Costacurta M, Todorovski I, Pijpers L, Bjelosevic S, Williams T, Huskins SN, Kearney CJ, Devlin JR, Jabbari JS, Martin BP, Fareh M, Kelly MJ, Dupere-Richer D, Sandow JJ, Feran B, Knight D, Khong T, Spencer A, Harrison SJ, Gregory G, Wickramasinghe VO, Webb AI, Taberlay PC, Bromberg KD, Lai A, Papenfuss AT, Smyth GK, Allan RA, Licht JD, Landau DA, Abdel-Wahab O, Shortt J, Vervoort SJ, Johnstone RW (2021). Targeting P300/CBP reveals discrete regulation of transcription and chromatin accessibility by histone acetylation. Molecular Cell 81(10), 2183-2200.e13. PMID: 34019788

    Published 6 May, Accepted 5 May

    Foers AD, Garnham AL, Chatfield S, Smyth GK, Cheng L, Hill AF, Wicks IP, Pang KC (2021). Extracellular vesicles in synovial fluid from rheumatoid arthritis patients contain miRNAs with capacity to modulate inflammation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(9), 4910. PMID: 34066338

  • Apr
    Published 2 April, Accepted 3 March

    Zhang S, Coughlan HD, Ashayeripanah M, Seizova S, Kueh AJ, Brown DV, Cao W, Jacquelot N, D'Amico A, Lew AM, Zhan T, Tonkin CJ, Villadangos JA, Smyth GK, Chopin M, Nutt SL (2021). Type 1 conventional dendritic cell fate and function are controlled by DC-SCRIPT. Science Immunology 6(58), eabf4432. PMID: 33811060

  • Mar
    Published 19 March, Accepted 3 February, Epub 6 February

    Keenan CR, Mlodzianoski MJ, Coughlan HD, Bediaga NG, Naselli G, Lucas EC, Wang Q, de Graaf CA, Hilton DJ, Harrison LC, Smyth GK, Rogers KL, Boudier T, Allan RS, Johanson TM (2021). Chromosomes distribute randomly to, but not within, human neutrophil nuclear lobes. iScience 24(3), 102161. PMID: 33665577

    Published 1 March, Accepted 23 September 2020, Epub 24 September 2020

    Chan WF, Coughlan HD, Iannarella N, Smyth GK, Johanson TM, Keenan CR, Allan RS (2021). Identification and characterization of the long non-coding RNA Dreg1 as a novel regulator of Gata3. Immunology and Cell Biology 99(3), 323-332. PMID: 32970351

  • Feb
    Published 26 February, Accepted 2 February

    Chan WF†, Coughlan HD†, Zhou JHS, Keenan CR, Bediaga N, Hodgkin PD, Smyth GK†, Johanson TM†, Allan RS† (2021). Pre-mitotic genome re-organisation bookends the B cell differentiation process. Nature Communications 12(1), 1344. PMID: 33637722

  • Jan
    Published 12 January, Accepted 15 December 2020

    Bediaga NG, Coughlan HD, Johanson TM, Garnham AL, Naselli G, Schröder J, Fearnley LG, Bandala-Sanchez E, Allan RS, Smyth GK, Harrison LC (2021). Multi-level remodelling of chromatin underlying activation of human T cells. Scientific Reports 11(1), 528. PMID: 33436846

  • 2020

    For the list of 2020 publications, go to the list of all previous publications.

All previous publications


  • Zhan Y, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Coughlan H, Baldoni PL, Jacquelot N, Cao WJH, Preston S, Louis C, Rautela J, Pellegrini M, Wicks IP, Alexander WS, Harrison LC, Lew AM, Smyth GK, Nutt SL, Chopin M (2021). Differential requirement for the Polycomb Repressor Complex 2 in dendritic cells and tissue resident myeloid cells. Science Immunology. (Conditionally accepted 2 August 2021)
  • Peters TJ, Buckley MJ, Chen Y, Smyth GK, Goodnow CC, Clark SJ (2021). Calling differentially methylated regions from whole genome bisulphite sequencing with DMRcate. Nucleic Acids Research gkab637. [PMID: 34320181] (Accepted 13 July 2021, Epub 28 July 2021)
  • Roth-Schulze AJ, Penno MAS, Ngui KM, Oakey H, Bandala-Sanchez E, Smith AD, Allnutt TR, Thomson RL, Vuillermin PJ, Craig ME, Rawlinson WD, Davis EA, Harris M, Soldatos G, Colman PG, Wentworth JM, Haynes A, Barry SC, Sinnott RO, Morahan G, Bediaga NG, Smyth GK, Papenfuss AT, Couper JJ, Harrison L (2021). Type 1 diabetes in pregnancy is associated with distinct changes in the composition and function of the gut microbiome. Microbiome 9(1), 167. [PMID: 34362459] (Accepted 14 May 2021, Published 6 August 2021)
  • Ioannidis LJ, Pietrzak HM, Ly A, Utami RAS, Eriksson EM, Studniberg SI, Abeysekera W, Li-Wai-Suen CSN, Sheerin D, Healer J, Puspitasari AM, Apriyanti D, Coutrier F, Poespoprodjo JR, Kenangalem E, Prayoga A, Sariyanti N, Smyth GK, Trianty L, Cowman AF, Price RN, Noviyanti R, Hansen DS (2021). High dimensional mass cytometry identifies T cell and B cell signatures predicting reduced risk of Plasmodium vivax malaria. JCI Insight 6(14), 148086. [PMID: 34128836] (Accepted 25 May 2021, Epub 15 June 2021, Published 22 July 2021)
  • Pal B#, Chen Y#, Milevskiy MJG#, Vaillant F, Prokopuk L, Dawson C, Capaldo BD, Song X, Jackling F, Timpson P, Lindeman GJ, Smyth GK*, Visvader JE* (2021). Single cell transcriptome atlas of mouse mammary epithelial cells across development. Breast Cancer Research 23(1), 69. [PMID: 34187545] (Accepted 28 May 2021, Published 29 June 2021)
  • Pal B#, Chen Y#, Vaillant F#, Capaldo BD, Joyce R, Song X, Bryant VL, Penington JS, Di Stefano L, Ribera NT, Wilcox S, Mann GB, kConFab, Papenfuss AT, Lindeman GJ, Smyth GK*, Visvader JE* (2021). A single cell RNA atlas of human breast spanning normal, preneoplastic and tumorigenic states. EMBO Journal 40(11), e3107333. [PMID: 33950524] (Accepted 17 March 2021, Epub 5 May 2021, Published 1 June 2021)
  • Doerflinger M, Haeusler GM, Li-Wai-Suen CSN, Clark JE, Slavin MA, Babl FE, Allaway Z, Mechinaud F, Smyth GK, De Abreu Lourenco R, Phillips B, Pellegrini M, Thursky KA (2021). Procalcitonin and Interleukin-10 may assist in early prediction of bacteraemia in children with cancer and febrile neutropenia. Frontiers in Immunology 12, 641879. [PMID: 34093531] (Accepted 27 April 2021, Published 20 May 2021)
  • Hogg SJ, Motorna O, Cluse LA, Johanson TM, Coughlan HD, Raviram R, Myers RM, Costacurta M, Todorovski I, Pijpers L, Bjelosevic S, Williams T, Huskins SN, Kearney CJ, Devlin JR, Jabbari JS, Martin BP, Fareh M, Kelly MJ, Dupere-Richer D, Sandow JJ, Feran B, Knight D, Khong T, Spencer A, Harrison SJ, Gregory G, Wickramasinghe VO, Webb AI, Taberlay PC, Bromberg KD, Lai A, Papenfuss AT, Smyth GK, Allan RA, Licht JD, Landau DA, Abdel-Wahab O, Shortt J, Vervoort SJ, Johnstone RW (2021). Targeting P300/CBP reveals discrete regulation of transcription and chromatin accessibility by histone acetylation. Molecular Cell 81(10), 2183-2200.e13. [PMID: 34019788] (Accepted 26 March 2021, Published 20 May 2021)
  • Foers AD, Garnham AL, Chatfield S, Smyth GK, Cheng L, Hill AF, Wicks IP, Pang KC (2021). Extracellular vesicles in synovial fluid from rheumatoid arthritis patients contain miRNAs with capacity to modulate inflammation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(9), 4910. [PMID: 34066338] (Accepted 5 May 2021, Published 6 May 2021)
  • Zhang S, Coughlan HD, Ashayeripanah M, Seizova S, Kueh AJ, Brown DV, Cao W, Jacquelot N, D'Amico A, Lew AM, Zhan T, Tonkin CJ, Villadangos JA, Smyth GK, Chopin M, Nutt SL (2021). Type 1 conventional dendritic cell fate and function are controlled by DC-SCRIPT. Science Immunology 6(58), eabf4432. [PMID: 33811060] (Accepted 3 March 2021, Published 2 April 2021)
  • Keenan CR, Mlodzianoski MJ, Coughlan HD, Bediaga NG, Naselli G, Lucas EC, Wang Q, de Graaf CA, Hilton DJ, Harrison LC, Smyth GK, Rogers KL, Boudier T, Allan RS, Johanson TM (2021). Chromosomes distribute randomly to, but not within, human neutrophil nuclear lobes. iScience 24(3), 102161. [PMID: 33665577] (Accepted 3 February 2021, Epub 6 February 2021, Published 19 March 2021)
  • Chan WF, Coughlan HD, Iannarella N, Smyth GK, Johanson TM, Keenan CR, Allan RS (2021). Identification and characterization of the long non-coding RNA Dreg1 as a novel regulator of Gata3. Immunology and Cell Biology 99(3), 323-332. [PMID: 32970351] (Accepted 23 September 2020, Epub 24 September 2020, Published 1 March 2021)
  • Chan WF#, Coughlan HD#, Zhou JHS, Keenan CR, Bediaga N, Hodgkin PD, Smyth GK*, Johanson TM*, Allan RS* (2021). Pre-mitotic genome re-organisation bookends the B cell differentiation process. Nature Communications 12(1), 1344. [PMID: 33637722] (Accepted 2 February 2021, Published 26 February 2021)
  • Bediaga NG, Coughlan HD, Johanson TM, Garnham AL, Naselli G, Schröder J, Fearnley LG, Bandala-Sanchez E, Allan RS, Smyth GK, Harrison LC (2021). Multi-level remodelling of chromatin underlying activation of human T cells. Scientific Reports 11(1), 528. [PMID: 33436846] (Accepted 15 December 2020, Published 12 January 2021)


  • Law CW, Zeglinski K, Dong X, Alhamdoosh M, Smyth GK*, Ritchie ME* (2020). A guide to creating design matrices for gene expression experiments. F1000Research 9, 1444. [PMID: 33604029] [Full Text] [Workflow version] (Accepted 26 November 2020, Published 10 December 2020)
  • Foers AD, Garnham AL, Smyth GK, Proudman SM, Cheng L, Hill AF, Pang KC, Wicks IP (2020). Circulating small non-coding RNA biomarkers of response to triple DMARD therapy in Caucasian women with early rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology 47(12), 1746-1751. [PMID: 32541082] (Accepted 5 May 2020, Epub 15 June 2020, Published 1 December 2020)
  • Tong L, Wu PY, Phan JH, Hassazadeh HR, Jones WD, Shi L, Fischer M, Mason CE, Li S, Xu J, Shi W, Wang J, Thierry-Mieg J, Thierry-Mieg D, Hertwig F, Berthold F, Hero B, Liao Y, Smyth GK, Kreil D, Labaj PP, Megherbi D, Schroth G, Fang H, Tong W, Wang MD (2020). Impact of RNA-seq data analysis algorithms on gene expression estimation and downstream prediction. Scientific Reports 10(1), 17925. [PMID: 33087762] (Accepted 27 August 2020, Published 21 October 2020)
  • Lalaoui N, Merino D, Giner G, Vaillant F, Chau D, Liu L, Pal B, Whittle JR, Etemadi N, Berthelet J, Gräsel J, Hall C, Ritchie ME, Ernst M, Smyth GK, Vaux DL, Visvader JE, Lindeman GJ, Silke J, Kratina T (2020). Targeting triple negative breast cancers with the Smac-mimetic birinapant. Cell Death and Differentiation 27(10):2768-2780. [PMID: 32341449] (Accepted 27 March 2020, Epub 27 April 2020, Published 1 October 2020)
  • Keenan CR#, Coughlan HD#, Iannarella N, Johanson TM, Chan WF, Garnham AL, Smyth GK*, Allan RS* (2020). Suv39h-catalysed H3K9me3 is critical for euchromatic genome organisation and the maintenance of gene transcription. bioRxiv 2020.08.13.249078; doi: 10.1101/2020.08.13.249078. (Epub 14 August 2020)
  • Whittle JR, Vaillant F, Surgenor E, Policheni AN, Giner G, Capaldo BD, Chen H-R, Liu HK, Dekkers JF, Sachs N, Clevers H, Fellowes A, Green T, Xu H, Fox S, Herold MJ, Smyth GK, Gray DHD, Visvader JE, Lindeman GJ (2020). Dual targeting of CDK4/6 and BCL2 pathways in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 26(15), 4120-4134. [PMID: 32245900] (Accepted 20 March 2020, Epub 3 April 2020, Published 1 August 2020)
  • Ng AP, Coughlan HD, Hediyeh-zadeh S, Behrens K, Johanson TM, Low MSY, Bell CC, Gilan O, Chan YC, Kueh AJ, Boudier T, Feltham R, Gabrielyan A, DiRago L, Hyland CD, Ierino H, Mifsud S, Viney E, Willson T, Dawson MA, Allan RS, Herold MJ, Rogers K, Tarlinton DM, Smyth GK, Davis MJ, Nutt SL, Alexander WS (2020). An Erg driven transcriptional program controls B-lymphopoiesis. Nature Communications 11(1), 3013. [PMID: 32541654] (Accepted 13 April 2020, Published 15 June 2020)
  • Dawson CA, Pal B, Vaillant F, Gandolfo LC, Liu Z, Bleriot C, Ginhoux F, Smyth GK, Lindeman GJ, Mueller SN, Rios AC, Visvader JE (2020). Tissue-resident ductal macrophages survey the mammary epithelium and facilitate gland remodelling during involution. Nature Cell Biology 22(5), 546-558. [PMID: 32341550] (Accepted 6 March 2020, Epub 27 April 2020, Published 1 May 2020)
  • Chappaz S, Law CW, Dowling M, Carey KT, Lane RM, Ngo LH, Wickramasinghe VO, Smyth GK, Ritchie ME, Kile BT (2020). Germline heterozygous mutations in Nxf1 perturb RNA metabolism and trigger thrombocytopenia and lymphopenia in mice. Blood Advances 4(7), 1270-1283. [PMID: 32236527] (Accepted 29 February 2020, Published 14 April 2020)
  • Roth-Schulze AJ, Penno MAS, Ngui KM, Oakey H, Thomson RL, Vuillermin PJ, Craig ME, Rawlinson WD, Davis EA, Harris M, Soldatos G, Colman PG, Wentworth JM, Haynes A, Morahan G, Bediaga NG, Smyth GK, Papenfuss AT, Couper JJ, Harrison L (2020). Changes in the composition and function of the gut microbiome accompany type 1 diabetes in pregnancy. Research Square doi:10.21203/ PPR:PPR121947. (Preprint 24 March 2020)
  • Seillet, C, Luong, K, Tellier, J, Jacquelot, N, Shen, RD, Hickey, P, Wimmer, VC, Whitehead, L, Rogers, K, Smyth, GK, Garnham, AL, Ritchie, ME, Belz, GT (2020). The neuropeptide VIP confers anticipatory mucosal immunity by regulating ILC3 activity. Nature Immunology 21(2), 168-177. [PMID: 31873294] (Accepted 19 October 2019, Epub 23 December 2019, Published 1 February 2020)
  • Kueh AJ, Eccles S, Tang L, Garnham AL, May RE, Herold MJ, Smyth GK, Voss AK, Thomas T (2020). HBO1 (KAT7) does not have an essential role in cell proliferation, DNA replication, or histone 4 acetylation in human cells. Molecular and Cellular Biology 40(4), e00506-e00519. [PMID: 31767635] (Accepted 11 November 2019, Epub 25 November 2019, Published 30 January 2020)
  • Sidwell, T, Liao, Y, Garnham AL, Vasanthakumar, A, Gloury, R, Blume, J, Teh, PP, Chisanga, D, Thelemann, C, de Labastida Rivera, F, Engwerda, CR, Corcoran, L, Kometani, K, Kurosaki, T, Smyth, GK, Shi, W, Kallies, A (2020). Attenuation of TCR-induced transcription by Bach2 controls regulatory T cell differentiation and homeostasis. Nature Communications 11(1), 252. [PMID: 31937752] (Accepted 7 November 2019, Published 14 January 2020)


  • Koçhan N, Tutuncu GY, Smyth GK, Gandolfo LC, Giner G (2019). qtQDA: quantile transformed quadratic discriminant analysis for high-dimensional RNA-seq data. PeerJ 7, e8260. [PMID: 31976167] [Full Text] (Accepted 20 November 2019, Published 18 December 2019)
  • Bhuva, DD, Cursons, J, Smyth, GK, Davis, MJ (2019). Differential co-expression based detection of conditional relationships in transcriptional data: comparative analysis and application to breast cancer. Genome Biology 20(1), 236. [PMID: 31727119] (Accepted 2 October 2019, Published 14 November 2019)
  • Vrahnas C, Blank M, Dite TA, Tatarczuch L, Ansari N, Crimeen-Irwin B, Nguyen H, Forwood MR, Hu Y, Ikegame M, Bambery KR, Petibois C, Mackie EJ, Tobin MJ, Smyth GK, Oakhill JS, Martin TJ, Sims NA (2019). Increased autophagy in EphrinB2-deficient osteocytes is associated with elevated secondary mineralization and brittle bone. Nature Communications 10(1), 3436. [PMID: 31366886] (Accepted 3 July 2019, Published 31 July 2019)
  • Vanyai HK, Garnham AL, May RE, McRae HM, Collin C, Wilcox S, Smyth GK, Thomas T, Voss AK (2019). MOZ directs the distal-less homeobox gene expression program during craniofacial development. Development 146(14) dev175042. [PMID: 31340933] (Accepted 17 June 2019, Epub 24 July 2019)
  • Stock AT, Collins N, Smyth GK, Hu Y, Hansen JA, D'Silva DB, Jama H, Lew AM, Gebhardt T, Wicks IP (2019). The selective expansion and targeted accumulation of bone-marrow derived macrophages drives cardiac vasculitis. Journal of Immunology 202(11), 3282-3296. [PubMed] (Accepted 29 March 2019, Epub 19 April 2019, Published 1 June 2019)
  • Liao, Y, Smyth, GK, Shi, W (2019). The R package Rsubread is easier, faster, cheaper and better for alignment and quantification of RNA sequencing reads. Nucleic Acids Research 47(8), e47. [PubMed] (Accepted 12 February 2019, Epub 20 February 2019, Published 7 May 2019)
  • McRae HM, Garnham AL, Hu Y, Witkowski MT, Corbett MA, Dixon MP, May RE, Sheikh BN, Chiang W, Kueh AJ, Nguyen TA, Man K, Gloury R, Aubrey BJ, Policheni A, Di Rago L, Alexander WS, Gray DHD, Strasser A, Hawkins ED, Wilcox S, Gécz J, Kallies A, McCormack MP, Smyth GK, Voss AK, Thomas T (2019). PHF6 regulates hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and its loss synergizes with expression of TLX3 to cause leukemia. Blood 133(16), 1729-1741. [PubMed] (Accepted 23 January 2019, Epub 12 February 2019, Published 18 April 2019)
  • Rios AC, Capaldo BD, Vaillant F, Pal B, van Ineveld R, Dawson CA, Chen Y, Nolan E, Fu NY, 3DTCLSM Group, Jackling FC, Devi S, Clouston D, Whitehead L, Smyth GK, Mueller SN, Lindeman GJ, Visvader JE (2019). Intraclonal plasticity in mammary tumors revealed through large-scale single-cell resolution 3D imaging. Cancer Cell 35(4), 618-632. [PubMed] (Accepted 27 February 2019, Epub 28 March 2019, Published 15 April 2019)
  • Delbridge ARD, Kueh AJ, Ke F, Zamudio NM, El-Saffin F, Jansz N, Wang G-Y, Iminitoff M, Beck T, Haupt S, Hu Y, May RE, Whitehead L, Tai L, Chiang W, Herold MJ, Haupt Y, Smyth GK, Blewitt ME, Thomas T, Strasser A, Voss AK (2019). Loss of p53 causes stochastic aberrant X-chromosome inactivation and female-specific neural tube defects. Cell Reports 27(2), 442-454. [PubMed] (Accepted 26 February 2019, Published 9 April 2019)
  • Lok SW, Whittle JR, Vaillant F, Teh CE, Lo LL, Policheni AN, Bergin ART, Desai J, Ftouni S, Gandolfo LC, Liew D, Liu HK, Mann GB, Moodie K, Murugasu A, Pal B, Roberts AW, Rosenthal MA, Shackleton K, Silva MJ, Siow ZR, Smyth GK, Taylor L, Travers A, Yeo B, Yeung M, Bujak AZ, Dawson SJ, Gray DHD, Visvader JE, Lindeman GJ (2019). A phase 1b dose-escalation and expansion study of the BCL-2 inhibitor venetoclax combined with tamoxifen in ER and BCL-2-positive metastatic breast cancer. Cancer Discovery 9(3), 354-369. [PubMed] (Accepted 4 November 2018, Epub 5 December 2018, Published 1 March 2019)
  • Merino D, Weber TS, Serrano A, Vaillant F, Liu K, Pal B, di Stefano L, Schroeder J, Lin D, Chen Y, Asselin-Labat ML, Schumacher TN, Cameron D, Smyth GK, Papenfuss AT, Lindeman GJ, Visvader JE, Naik SH (2019). Barcoding reveals complex clonal behavior in patient-derived xenografts of metastatic triple negative breast cancer. Nature Communications 10(1), 766. [PubMed] (Accepted 18 January 2019, Published 15 February 2019)
  • Bediaga NG, Coughlan HD, Johanson TM, Garnham AL, Naselli G, Schroeder J, Fearnley LG, Bandala-Sanchez E, Smyth GK, Allan RS, Harrison L (2019). Multi-Level Chromosome Remodeling Underlying Activation of Human T Cells. Cell Press Sneak Peek doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3329249. (Posted 5 February 2019)
  • Chopin M, Lun ATL, Zhan Y, Schroeder J, Coughlan HD, D'Amico A, Mielke LA, Almeida FF, Kueh AJ, Dickins RA, Belz GT, Naik SH, Lew AM, Bouillet P, Herold MJ, Smyth GK, Corcoran LM, Nutt SL (2019). Transcription factor PU.1 promotes conventional dendritic cell identity and function via induction of transcriptional regulator DC-SCRIPT. Immunity 50(1), 77-90. [PubMed] (Accepted 9 October 2018, Epub 2 January 2019, Published 15 January 2019)


  • Kim, ML, Martin, WJ, Minigo, G, Keeble, JL, Garnham, AL, Pacini, G, Smyth, GK, Speed, TP, Carapetis J, Wicks, IP (2018). A dysregulated IL-1beta-GM-CSF axis in acute rheumatic fever that is limited by hydroxychloroquine. Circulation 138(23), 2648-2661. [PubMed] (Accepted 27 July 2018, Published 4 December 2018)
  • Fu, NY, Pal, B, Chen, Y, Jackling, F, Milevskiy, M, Vaillant, F, Capaldo, B, Guo, F, Liu, KH, Rios, AC, Lim, NL, Kueh, AJ, Virshup, DM, Herold, MJ, Tucker, HO, Smyth, GK, Lindeman, GJ, Visvader, JE (2018). Foxp1 is indispensable for ductal morphogenesis and controlling the exit of mammary stem cells from quiescence. Developmental Cell 47(5), 629-644. [PubMed] (Accepted 1 October 2018, Epub 25 Oct 2018, Published 3 December 2018)
  • Dunn PK, Smyth GK (2018). Generalized linear models with examples in R. Springer, New York, NY. DOI (Accepted 16 December 2017, Published 17 November 2018)
  • Aw, WC, Towarnicki SG, Melvin, RG, Youngson, NA, Garvin, MR, Hu, Y, Nielsen, S, Thomas, T, Pickford, R, Bustamante, S, Vila-Sanjurjo, A, Smyth, GK, Ballard, JWO (2018). Genotype to phenotype: diet-by-mitochondrial DNA haplotype interactions drive metabolic flexibility and organismal fitness. PLOS Genetics 14(11), e1007735. [PubMed] (Accepted 2 October 2018, Published 6 November 2018)
  • Aubrey, BJ, Janic, A, Chen, Y, Chang, C, Lieschke, EC, Diepstraten, ST, Kueh, AJ, Bernardini, JP, Dewson, G, O'Reilly, LA, Whitehead, L, Voss, AK, Smyth, GK, Strasser, A, Kelly, GL (2018). Mutant TRP53 exerts a target gene selective dominant negative effect to drive tumor development. Genes and Development 32(21-22), 1420-1429. [PubMed] (Accepted 20 September 2018, Epub 26 October 2018, Published 1 November 2018)
  • Johanson, TM, Lun, ATL, Coughlan, HD, Tan, T, Smyth, GK, Nutt, SL, Allan, RS (2018). Transcription factor-mediated supervision of global genome architecture maintains B cell identity. Nature Immunology 19(11), 1257-1264. [PubMed] (Accepted 5 September 2018, Epub 15 October 2018, Published 1 November 2018)
  • Michalak, EM, Milevskiy, MJG, Joyce, RM, Dekkers, JF, Jamieson, PR, Pal, B, Dawson, CA, Hu, Y, Orkin, SH, Alexander, WS, Lindeman, GJ, Smyth, GK, Visvader, JE (2018). Canonical PRC2 function is essential for mammary gland development and affects chromatin compaction in mammary organoids. PLOS Biology 16(8), e2004986. [PubMed] (Accepted 26 July 2018, Published 6 August 2018)
  • Baell, JB, Leaver, DJ, Hermans, SJ, Kelly, GL, Brennan, MS, Downer, NL, Nguyen, N, Wichmann, J, McRae, HM, Yang, Y, Cleary, B, Lagiakos, HR, Mieruszynski, S, Pacini, G, Vanyai, HK, Bergamasco, MI, May, RE, Davey, BK, Morgan, KJ, Sealey, AJ, Wang, B, Zamudio, N, Wilcox, S, Garnham, AL, Sheikh, BN, Aubrey, BJ, Doggett, K, Chung, MC, de Silva, M, Bentley, J, Pilling, P, Hattarki, M, Dolezal, O, Dennis, M, Falk, H, Ren, B, Charman, SA, White, KL, Rautela, J, Newbold, A, Hawkins, ED, Johnstone, RW, Huntington, ND, Peat, TS, Heath, JK, Strasser, A, Parker, MW, Smyth, GK, Street, IP, Monahan, BJ, Voss, AK, Thomas, T (2018). Inhibitors of histone acetyltransferases KAT6A/B induce senescence and arrest tumor growth. Nature 560(7717), 253-257. [PubMed] (Accepted 21 June 2018, Published 1 August 2018)
  • Johanson TM#, Coughlan HD#, Lun ATL, Bediaga NG, Naselli G, Garnham AL, Harrison LC, Smyth GK, Allan RS (2018). Genome-wide analysis reveals no evidence of trans chromosomal regulation of mammalian immune development. PLOS Genetics 14(6), e1007431. [PubMed] (Accepted 18 May 2018, Published 8 June 2018)
  • O'Reilly, LA, Putoczki, TL, Mielke, LA, Low, JT, Lin, A, Preaudet, A, Herold, MJ, Yaprianto, K, Tai, L, Kueh, A, Pacini, G, Ferrero, RL, Gugasyan, R, Hu, Y, Christie, M, Wilcox, S, Grumont, R, O'Connor, L, Smyth, GK, Ernst, M, Waring, P, Gerondakis, S, Strasser, A (2018). Loss of NF-kB1 function causes gastric cancer by deregulating STAT1 dependent control of inflammation and immune checkpoints. Immunity 48(3), 570-583. [PubMed] (Accepted 18 January 2018, Published 20 March 2018)
  • Xin A#, Lee M#, Hu Y#, Ignjatovic V, Shi W, Shipp A, Praporski S, Kallies A, Weintraub R, Monagle P, Smyth GK*, Konstantinov I* (2018). Identifying low-grade cellular rejection after heart transplantation in children using gene expression profiling. Physiological Genomics 50(3), 190-196. [PubMed] (Accepted 8 December 2017, Epub 20 December 2017, Published 1 March 2018)
  • Vrahnas, C, Dite, TA, Ansari, N, Crimeen-Irwin, B, Nguyen, H, Forwood, MR, Hu, Y, Ikegame, M, Bambery, KR, Petibois, C, Tobin, MJ, Smyth, GK, Oakhill, JS, Martin, TJ, Sims, NA (2018). Increased autophagy in ephrinB2 deficient osteocytes is associated with hypermineralized, brittle bones. bioRxiv 260711; doi: 10.1101/260711. (Preprint 5 February 2018, revised 1 March 2018)
For the list of earlier publications, please visit here.